advocacy ideas for student council

From 2012 to 2015, it ran the Shark Shelter Project to help preserve the thresher shark in Malapascua Island, Cebu. Advocacies dont need to involve huge funding or have a massive following to achieve success. If given the opportunity to serve on the Student Council, I know I will make sure to find solutions to the current issues impacting our community. Angie Estevez Prada (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As the first class to go through the revamped curriculum at HGSE, we have the opportunity to set a precedent that will engender more positive change in this program. My name is Flora, a second year School Leadership Program student. The discourse of gender equality remains strained in the country. An Idaho State University professor is being recognized with one of the most distinguished honors in the structural engineering community. In my HGSE statement of purpose, I wrote "I truly believe equitable support and representation are two key factors at the heart of creating an environment in which all students can thrive academically and personally." Roughly 30 students in grades K-12 were selected by their classmates either as representatives or alternates, to represent their homeroom class through the Student Council. For student councils to successfully provide great activities for the school, fundraising is an ongoing task throughout the school year. An advocacy campaign is an organized set of actions designed to raise awareness on issues and influence change. Advocacy campaigns have the potential to make a tangible difference in the lives of everyday people. For example, you can say, Create an advocacy video to depict the climate crisis in the Philippines.. An advocacy campaign is an organized set of actions designed to raise awareness on issues and influence change. The campaigns provided facts about the virus and shared tips to enhance peoples safety. Key Communicators Any area--state or community--has a group of opinion leaders, who are asked questions about any item of interest in that area whether it's about the price of gasoline or the value of social studies education. Young people are leading the movement toward just and safe communities for all. -Bridging a sense of community for those attending HGSE in-person and online.-Supporting programming that promotes student wellness.-Providing opportunities for student feedback to ensure that student voices are heard.-Working with staff and faculty to effectively communicate and share information.-Collaborating with other graduate schools to give HGSE students an opportunity to meet people in different disciplines.-Advocating for accessible events and programming which include family friendly events or support options for students with children. Having a sense of belonging in a community is imperative, especially during this time. Many high schools have a separate council for each grade level (freshman student council, sophomore student council, junior student council, senior student council). Community Garden Cleanup If your student council project focused on bettering your local community, a garden cleanup would be a great option. Thus, youll need to tiptoe around to work toward goals that you can achieve. My motivation for running comes in part from this unique opportunity and the belief that I can be an integral part of implementing this positive change. I also had the opportunity to write around twelve resolutions and had them implemented at my university. . She focuses on her strengths and capabilities, as well as . 50CAN: a growing network of local-level advocates for a high-quality education for all kids, regardless of their address. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to advocate and build capacity for high-quality social studies by providing leadership, services, and support to educators. For example, if your advocacy campaign focuses on increasing the pet adoption rates in a certain area, it makes no sense to dedicate placements to talking about global warming. Special thanks and credits to those who have shared what they are looking for from the student council and what your hopes are for the year. Think of it as a deadline to finish all the steps needed before implementation. The winning ideas included the following: The campaign was a success as it empowered youth advocates to stand against climate change. One of the major effects of poverty is the lack of adequate housing, forcing millions of people to live in unsanitary conditions. Students at Garfield Park Academy are getting hands-on experience in leadership, democracy, and self-advocacy through student government. In addition to knowing how to play the Harvard game, I serve on the Black Staff Caucus at HMS as the Communications Committee Chair and previously served on the City of Newton, Mass Youth Commission Advisory Board, both of which have mechanics and goals similar to HGSE's Student Council. Self-determination is a key element of the evidence-based Teaching-Family Model used throughout the school. My initiative in this position was to create an inclusive community. Expand all. 1 of 30 students in US selected to participate in unique, paid leadership program at Active Minds, the nation's leading organization in mental health advocacy and education; provided with tools . By October 5just eight days after the campaigns launchthe petition garnered, Save Philippine Seas Shark Shelter Project, Save Philippine Seas (SPS) advocates for the conservation of marine resources and life. Specifically, I was selected as the Chief Secretary of the Chinese Scholar and Students Association and Vice President of the Asian Culture Exchange Association. Doing this will give you a clearer idea of how to draft your advocacy campaign. Make sure to include all these in your campaign to cover all your bases. I intend to serve the HGSE community by amplifying student voices and ensuring that students have a sense of belonging within the community. When designing an advocacy campaign, you need to understand your target audience to reach them effectively. 2. Model Council of Ministries. I want to make sure that the diversity and broad range of experience that many bring to this program are valued and heard.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?At the core of my career, I have focused on listening to the voices of others and worked to make opportunities more accessible. Each question is an opportunity to build greater awareness of the importance of social studies education and our successes. With over four million Filipinos living in unsafe and unsanitary places, Habitat aimed to rehouse 20% of this demographic category by 2020. If we have not had an opportunity to talk, I hope to meet you soon and hear your voice.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Prior to HGSE, I served on a spouses' organization at a military base as the chair of membership and hospitality. With your foundations in place, it's time to start spreading the word! Whether you are a part-time, full-time, remote, and residential student, let us be heard!What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Being part of school committees previously has given me the skills to communicate effectively, work with members from diverse cultural background, plan events and set up meetings, and community building. All of us have opportunities almost every day to promote social studies education. Please continue to check this resource regularly for updates. Theyre often led by a group of leaderssuch as studentswho mobilize volunteers to support a particular issue or call for new policies. I excelled in school, but always felt like an outsider when it came to the pathways of upward mobility, especially the higher education system in the United States. By no means is this an exhaustive list. This is interpersonal communication at its most effective. Set your audience at ease. In the future, I would like to become a professional counselor who would be able to advocate the importance of mental health in schools and communities. GPA is pleased to be affiliated with or accredited by the following organizations: Student Council: A Tool for Effective Self-Advocacy, on Student Council: A Tool for Effective Self-Advocacy, Garfield Park Academy, a New Jersey non-profit corporation, does not discriminate in any form against students, employees or applicants on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or disability. While that sentiment is inspiring and moving, it is ineffective without action. Garfield Park Academy complies with N.J.S.A. That can be through art, social media, or volunteer efforts. Under their guidance, I've honed my advocacy and leadership skills, as well as my knowledge of writing resolutions, developing university-wide events, and advocating at the local and state level. There are many ways you can approach this advocacy, such as fighting for accessibility rolling out educational tools to reach students in remote areas. Managed and prepared a lecture about the documentary movie "The square" featuring Mr. Kalid Abduallah, the star of the movie " the kite runner". Understand the issues, but keep it simple. Erica HyoWan Jang (SSP)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As a returning part-time virtual student, I witnessed what my classmates were going through and how the school responded last year. This is especially important in overcoming the attitude that social studies education is what it was 30 years ago when today's adults were in school. One of the competencies is "Thinking Strategically and Leading Change," which challenges us to disrupt inequitable systems. The most valuable lesson I have learned about leadership from these experiences is the importance of active listening. This involves identifying individuals who can empower or hinder you from achieving your goals, assessing how much influence they can have on your campaign, then thinking of ways to engage with them. For over 85 years, the Texas Association of Student Councils (TASC) has served student leaders and their advisors through advocacy, connections, training, resources, workshops, and conferences. While this is still far from their target, their progress in one year was notable. Try these steps to make opinion leaders work for you! It also showed that many individuals had bright ideas and just needed the proper support to bring their projects to life. For example, doing something as simple as recycling trash or conserving water use at home can already contribute to a healthier environment. Once thats settled, build a team, craft a strong message, establish proper metrics to track your campaigns performance, and stay consistent in churning content. The most prominent NGO for this cause would be The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Indicate that the more citizens know about social studies education, the more they can support local education. A Social Studies Student for a Day program could be an effective "See for Yourself" activity for this campaign. The global situation may have slightly recovered now compared to the previous year and schools are opening up accordingly, but we can tell that it can not be the same as the time before the pandemic.I am grateful to the school for the effort of making our learning space safe and professional. 2023 National Council for the Social Studies Illinois Global Scholar: A Story of Teacher Advocacy for Student Transformation Seth Brady and Randy Smith This past September, not long after school started, NPR's Morning Edition aired an interview about a groundbreaking media literacy education law in Illinois. Such emphasis highly resonates with my personal value, previous living experiences, and future career goal. First, the programs are different. Throughout the senior class, project topics included: > Making Quality Education available to all; > Substance abuse resources and support; Additionally, I served as the lead teacher in my unit. This trait encompasses academic, social and physical needs. Inside the classroom, you can support this cause by initiating discussions on the topic, using gender-neutral language, and assessing yourself for potential instances of gender bias. The group typically meets once or twice a month. A Walk-a-thon is a great way to raise funds and encourage healthy habits within your school community. Click here to view videos describing GPA's programs. Provide a brief foreshadowing of your call to action. Your campaign should have a reasonable timeline. Walk-a-thon. Be clear about your message and remove white noise. Living with refugees from other countries. Additionally, I think that diversity in the council is crucial when communicating peers' ideas to the HGSE Faculty and staff.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have been class representative in my previous program as well as university ambassador. Thank you for your time and consideration. Consider that to show first hand what a student is expected to learn. We are on the front lines of those working for the rights of Blacks, Latinos/as, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Muslims, immigrants, and refugees. I have served as an event planning and fundraising intern with the Northwest Florida chapter of The Arc Gateway. advocacy ideas for student council40th anniversary ring. 48) Student Body Retreat: Each member in council selects one boy and one girl from each grade, (who are not in council), that show great leadership ability to go on a retreat. Taking care of the elderly is an innate part of Filipino culture, but theres a dire lack of infrastructure that caters to the elderly. Being this sort of liaison/ organizer has been my natural inclination since I accepted the admission offer earlier this year. They key to this is to sincerely state that it is your passion to serve your students. Also, offer some materials on social studies. You may want to create a quarterly e-mail for your Key Communicators to keep in touch with them. In celebration of World Tourism Day, the Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development launched the #VIPforVIP campaign on September 27, 2021. Goal-setting is one of the first things you should do when planning an advocacy campaign. How Can Students Become Advocates For The Environment? Given how complex this issue is, its not likely for any advocacy campaigns addressing this issue to create a significant impact. As a student, you can focus on a human rights issue that resonates strongly with you and use your favorite platform to spread the word. Below is a list of advocacy strategies and activities states that have been used to engage members, raise awareness of CTE and influence policy. By September 2016, Habitat managed to build 3,176 houses throughout Bohol and 2,546 houses in the areas affected by typhoon Yolanda. Thus, I found the role of Student Council a perfect opportunity for me to offer assistance in our community and contribute to my personal value. It called for the preservation of Verde Island Passage (VIP), given the alarming issues posed by the potential establishment of fossil fuel plants in Batangas. Ask your sponsoring chapter to subsidize $5 - $10 of the student dues for new students joining during your membership drive, then offer this discount to new members. 1. . You may also see tribute speech. 5. I began with an affinity group for Queer students, which rapidly grew to include over eight other groups. But whether it's targeting a specific piece of legislation or bringing attention to an under-addressed issue, a well-run advocacy campaign doesn't happen overnight. Whether we meet over Zoom or in-person, I value your voice and insight. These experiences will allow me to comfortably navigate the logistics of serving on Student Council, so I can help the group focus strongly on the needs of HGSE students. After reflecting on my why for running for student council, there are a few initiatives I intend to pursue if elected into student council inspired by my experiences, observations, and conversations with other students. Thus, I am imbued with a sense of profound responsibility and motivation to canvas for the prestigious role of the senator at the Student Advocacy and Issue Committee. As such, its essential to take action now to prevent irreversible consequences. We even lack a disability advocacy group on campus. Follow up with a phone call to encourage their participation. Given the high incidence of breast cancer in the country, spreading awareness on the issue can help people spot early signs of cancer and prevent a full-on medical battle. I have served as an Evergreen Teachers Association (ETA) Representative and a CTA Representative for a total of 7 years. Brainstorm the names of key leaders in your state or community. Student council is a group of students elected by their classmates to organize activities and address student concerns and interests. As we re-enter a world that's post-lockdown, we will be realizing the collective effects we all endured, and some may have needs that we not realized pre-COVID. According to Armanda Rodrigues, a mentor who oversees the Student Council, meetings of the Student Council allow students to talk about issues at the school, giving students a voice in promoting change. The Council will provide fresh perspectives and insights on important . I also have loved ones in my family and close friends with disabilities that I have supported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Have someone from the school contact the leader and invite him or her to spend a day at the school as a student in various social studies classes. Get to know each of your stakeholders positions, interests, and needs so that you can plan your implementation. Based on my previous experience both as a student and wellness coach, I find students, including myself, often feel more comfortable talking to people who share similar cultural backgrounds. This translated to around 800,000 families, which they hoped to help by raising PHP 5 million and organizing one million volunteers. HGSE has changed a lot since two years ago when I decided to apply. has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. We spent our first hour of the morning meeting with other leaders at our association building to receive a summary of the latest bills affecting education. A prime example of that is the pending reintroduction of the PRO Act. As a part of the Lean In Los Angeles leadership team, I supported outreach, helped train small group facilitators, and assisted in planning networking events. I quickly noticed a need for affinity spaces to support students' transition into college, especially when entering Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). Keep in mind that opinion leaders are not always what might be called the "most important people" in a community. My way to overcome this is to integrate myself into the community. 3. I am running for student council because I want to set a strong foundation for years to come through the Advocacy and Issues committee. People in need within the community are supported. If youre willing to put in more effort to advocate for the planet, you can take it a step further by volunteering for an environment-focused NGO before trying any of the advocacy campaign examples for students discussed above. These were launched on the, DOHs main platform for promoting health information. Students should be able to pick their schools. In every position that I have served, I always give it my all. As a person who would define herself as a helper, I often experience joys and meaningfulness through the process of spreading kindness. Student-led campaigns are usually measurable through the number of donations you collect from fundraising or the number of supporters you reach through engagement. Here are student council project ideas you can use: 1. . As an undergraduate, I held multiple leadership roles in different capacities which include:-President of a student mental health awareness organization-Secretary of a public relations organization-Resident Housing Association - Floor senator-President of the theatre honors society. Student council groups share big responsibilities for the school - from representing the student body to planning dances and other school-wide activities. As a marine biodiversity hotspot, VIP houses almost 60% of the fish species in the world. These were launched on the Healthy Pilipinas Facebook pageDOHs main platform for promoting health information. Through all of this, my mission has been to advance equality and promote visibility to all regardless of background.. I was able to work on projects with diverse stakeholders across a variety of communities. etc. Combing with the work as a wellness coach, my experience as a hotline volunteer in Buckeye Peer Access Line at OSU allows me to serve on Student Council more effectively. advocacy ideas for student council . If your district does, seek the opportunity to communicate with that group regarding social studies. Finally, a personal initiative of mine if elected is to continue to actively listen. Specify what you want to achieve with the campaign. Opinion leaders (Key Communicators) are determined by how many people they influence--they have people power, not necessarily position power. Any area--state or community--has a group of opinion leaders, who are asked questions about any item of interest in that area whether it's about the price of gasoline or the value of social studies education. Thus, I firmly believe that the culmination of my prior experience and overwhelming passion makes me eligible for the position of the senator at the Student Advocacy and Issue Committee. By 2015, Malapascua Island and Gato Island became the Philippines first shark and ray sanctuary via Executive Order 16-2015. Student Advocacy Council. Such listening skills would greatly empower me to better listen to students' needs and advocate for them more effectively. Some schools and school districts have Key Communicators. Overall purpose of the role: . Presentations in this strand highlight effective implementation of experiential, integrated learning, which may include design thinking, project-based learning, problem-based learning, and engineering design. That can be through art, social media, or volunteer efforts. Likewise, you want to curate your social media feed to reinforce the campaigns big idea. Or bring in a leader at a time when students are reporting on extensive projects such as History Day, are involved in a We the People competition, a mock trial or an effective class simulation accompanied by relevant debriefings to show student learning. Go around the neighborhood to assess which public gardens or parks your team will clean up. My dedication is what makes me an unstoppable leader. It makes a big difference for a student to say what students think; adults tend to listen to student advocates in a different way than we listen to each other. To begin your speech for student council president, you need to begin with a strong, attention-grabbing opening. I served as a concertmaster of orchestras on three continents, leading and guiding musicians to enhance the orchestral sound, frequently mediating arguments between my team and conductors when there were discords.My years-long living abroad experiences in 6 countries because of studies and careers gave me a broader outlook and a deeper understanding of diverse cultures with unique insights into real-world issues. Encourage your classmates to unplug for the day and get outside! Students having a say in how their education is delivered. Their existence greatly boosts my confidence both as a student and foreigner far from home. I've had to practice this balance in my own work at HMS as well, and I'm confident that my skills in this area can help HGSE's Student Council as it collaborates with HGSE administration on the issues of community, academics, and policies. Welcome to the Student Advocacy page. For starters, fill up the roles for the lead organizer, campaign marketer, and volunteer headthen branch out from there. With this project, students research a company's current practices and statements and decide if they support them or not. Check out these ten advocacy campaign examples for students to give you an idea of how you can help make a difference, whether big or small. Here's an idea for councils or a small group of NCSS members to try. I was able to connect with other teachers and community members, both within the school and outside of the school. Key activities Advocacy. Bring together colleagues and brainstorm three items: When completed, list your successes on a card, laminate that card, and provide copies to local social studies educators or members of your council. This experience has been eye opening, illustrating the importance of codifying historical documents in inclusive spaces. As the previous Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff of ASI at California State University East Bay, I helped start a toiletries initiative, worked with the University President and VP of Student Affairs to have free feminine products located in the restrooms, and worked with the Academic Senate to include a resource statement for homelessness students on the syllabus, and so much more. Advocacy campaigns have the potential to make a tangible difference in the Philippines first shark and ray sanctuary Executive! It & # x27 ; s time to start spreading the word studentswho mobilize volunteers to a. An idea for councils or a small group of leaderssuch as studentswho mobilize volunteers to support a issue! Cta Representative for a high-quality education for all kids, regardless of background bring their projects to.... Animal Welfare Society ( PAWS ) and influence change here 's an idea for or... 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